Starbuck's White Chocolate Pudding coming on July 16, 2013

Starbucks Philippines will officially launches their new line of products on July 16, 2013. They are offering a new line of beverage, the Dark Mocha White chocolate pudding Frappuccino and the Green Tea white chocolate pudding Frappuccino.

The Dark Mocha flavor features rich, dark cocoa, signature Frappuccino Roast coffee, chunky java chocolate chips with silky smooth white chocolate pudding.
Dark Mocha White Chocolate-SundaysAvenue.jpg

The Green tea flavor is an indulgent velvety milk shake with tasty, authentic green tea and silky smooth white chocolate pudding.
Green Tea White Chocolate-SundaysAvenue.jpg

Tomorrow, from 2:00PM until 5:00PM, for every purchase of their white chocolate pudding featured beverage, you can get a second white chocolate pudding featured beverage for free (equal or lesser value) . This promotional is limited to two featured beverage per transaction. So, head over to any branch to taste their new featured white chocolate pudding beverage and share it with a friend.

This promotional is a good strategy to attract starbucks patrons and also customers to get to try their new line of featured beverage. Kudos to Starbucks!

New Treats-Sundays Avenue.jpg

1 comment:

  1. I like the dark mocha chocolate pudding much better! :)


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